sketch of my fursona smiling!!
hi!! i am known as adrrdgz online but you can call me adrian. my real name is adrian rodriguez!!
i am a 20 year old nonbinary (any pronouns) and gay (nblm) furry who is very interested in open source software and keeping it open for anyone to use yea!!
i also really like the furry fandom and a lot of other similar things like the internet community around it yea!!

i guess i would consider myself also an enjoyer of the old web!! as in.. being able to visit websites and not really doing my stuff on just a few websites that present themselves as "social media".

but other than that... i am mostly an open source software developer just looking for open source to be more widespread throughout everywhere!!!

i kind of just want this to be a very laid-back website where i can just express whatever i want or maybe just check out and review some open source software and even operating systems which i could find interesting!!

if you want to know if you can use or cite the articles and other stuff here then please scroll down to the bottom of the page. all the legal information is there. yes.



dall sheep fursona with glasses smiling dall sheep fursona with glasses smiling dall sheep fursona with glasses reference sheet

what operating system am i currently using?

web log

debian is like renting an old but good apartment. gentoo is like buying the materials for building your own house. you have to also do the electricity stuff.. and ubuntu is like renting a new modern apartment which is very close to a beach and you get all the services you want!!
i think artificial intelligence is being developed in closed environments. which makes me sad. imagine if artificial intelligence and software such as gpt were developed in an open source environment.
we would definitely have more stuff!!
i haven't used this website in a while. so i think it's time for me to actually put some new stuff here. well. recently while i was browsing the internet and checking out a lot of things about my current operating system!! which is. of course. xubuntu. i found out there's a layout that comes preinstalled on xfce which is called "redmond". what is redmond?? you may ask yourself.
well. to keep it short. it's just a funny way for the developers to add a "windows-like" layout to the main xfce toolbar and panels. so instead of using the "correct" term which would be "windows". they chose the name redmond. which if you think about it. does make sense!! it really does. mostly because as far as i'm aware. microsoft and windows and dos etc began in redmond in washington. ah!! the birthplace of proprietary software.
but anyway. that's not what i wanted to talk about here. so while i was doing some research on this "redmond" layout thing from xfce. i asked myself "is there any fork of windows that is open source"? and to my surprise. yes there is!!
i shall present to you... react os!!! a libre and open source operating system for amd64 and i586 computers which heavily relies on and is based on windows xp. or windows server 2003 and later. this os has been in development since the late 90's but sadly. and as far as i'm aware of. is still in public alpha. hmm. does it have anything to do with the fact that they're using microsoft's api and stuff?? yea most likely...
ah!! also!! it seems that you can print things from react os.
why gimp is the ultimate app for graphic design and even drawing and other stuff.
reasons?? it is fairly simple to explain, gimp has most of the things that a graphic designer or artist needs!! like pen pressure, etc. it has got some nice things.
but if you see that the software does not have a feature that you would normally see in proprietary software, you can easily add it with user plugins!! which are easy to install and maintained by the community.
gimp. with its very strong gpl license will never be made into a proprietary app and will always be maintained by people who care about open source. that is the most important reason why i see gimp as being a much better alternative.
did you know oneshot (indie freeware game) is open source? yea!! both the steam version and legacy freeware version are open source!
the legacy version is under the mit license. and the steam version is under gpl 2.0. this makes me have way more respect for the developers of this fun and dark game!!

software projects (source code repositories and more related projects)

thank you!! (website code contributions)

copyright (c) adrrdgz or adrian rodriguez.
verbatim copying and redistribution of the pictures in this page or this entire page is permitted under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license version 4.0 or later.
this website does not have an rss feed so if you want updates please bookmark it to your browser of choice.
the websites source code can be found here but it is only source-available!!!